Today.Az » Politics » Statements of Armenian side groundless, says Azerbaijani defense ministry
21 May 2018 [12:20] - Today.Az

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Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defense commented on the statement by the Armenian side on engineering work allegedly carried out by Azerbaijani army units on the state border with Armenia.

"The irresponsible and groundless statement by the representative of the Armenian Ministry of Defense on active engineering work allegedly carried out by the Azerbaijani army units on some sections of the Azerbaijani-Armenian border with the aim of improving positions is primarily aimed at justifying and concealing the provocative actions of the Armenian armed forces, as a result of which the Azerbaijani serviceman was killed," said the statement.

The statement notes that the situation on the Nakhchivan section of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border continued to remain stable until the defense and foreign ministers of Armenia arrived there, after which the Armenian armed forces took provocative actions.

A serviceman of the Azerbaijani army Adil Tatarov has been killed during the combat mission for interception of another provocation by the Armenian Armed Forces on the Nakhchivan section of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border on May 20.

The Ministry of Defense said that newly elected defense and foreign ministers of Armenia, who visited the line of confrontation of troops in this direction, stand behind this provocation.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

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