Today.Az » Politics » President Ilham Aliyev receives Mexican Senate VP - PHOTO
11 July 2012 [19:59] - Today.Az

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received a Mexican delegation led by vice-president of the Senate Francisco Arroyo Vieyra.

Mr. Vieyra said Mexico was one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan`s independence.
The vice-president praised successful development of the diplomatic relations between the two countries established 20 years ago.

He stressed importance of the implemented cultural and humanitarian projects in Mexico with support of Azerbaijan`s government in terms of expansion of bilateral ties.

Francisco Arroyo Vieyra said he was proud of Azerbaijan`s national leader Heydar Aliyev.
The vice-president of the Mexican Senate noted the national leader`s policy was successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev.

He said Azerbaijan`s achievement in recent years made deep impressions on them.
Vieyra noted a monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev was erected in Mexico.
He added a monument devoted to Azerbaijani-Mexican friendship and the Khojaly monument would be erected in one of the Mexican squares.

The vice-president said the two countries enjoy good opportunities to expand economic cooperation.

Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the vice-president said Mexico supports peaceful settlement of the conflict within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
The Head of State hailed vice-president of the Mexican Senate Francisco Arroyo Vieyra`s visit to Azerbaijan.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed hope this visit would contribute to developing bilateral relationship between Azerbaijan and Mexico even more.

The President said Azerbaijan attaches great importance to expanding relations with Mexico.
President Ilham Aliyev expressed assurance these ties would continue to strengthen in the years to come.

The Head of State praised the Mexican Senate`s resolution on the Khojaly tragedy.
The President thanked for the Senate`s resolution.

The Head of State said that the people of Azerbaijan were happy that the architect of modern Azerbaijani state, national leader Heydar Aliyev was held in great respect in Mexico.

During the meeting, also was underlined that Azerbaijan and Mexico have good opportunities to develop political, economic, trade, cultural, humanitarian and inter-parliamentary cooperation even more.


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