Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan's army is incomparably stronger than Armenia`s
01 February 2012 [09:24] - Today.Az

A Russian political analyst has hailed Azerbaijan`s military power, saying the country`s army is incomparably stronger than Armenia`s. “Azerbaijan`s military power is increasing day by day. The country`s military budget is bigger than the state budget of Armenia,” Alexander Khramchikhin said in his article in Moskovskie novosti newspaper.

“Azerbaijan has huge economic capabilities, the country`s economic development boosted the power of its army. Azerbaijan`s military power can never be compared with Armenia`s. Azerbaijan`s air and ground forces are much more powerful than Armenia`s.”

On the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Khramchikhin said the fact that the dispute remained unresolved increased the possibility of war. He said Armenia relied on the Collective Security Treaty Organization, noting, however, “the organization would take a neutral position in case military operations begin”.

“None of the states which are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization will interfere and protect Armenia.” “And the West`s position will not be surprising. They United States and European states will just urge Azerbaijan and Armenia to stop military actions, they will do nothing more.”

Khramchikhin added: “Armenia wants to make Azerbaijan respond to its provocations so that to tell the international community that Azerbaijan is an aggressor.”


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