Today.Az » Interviews » Last two months to COP29: Showcasing green energy progress and global climate solutions [COMMENTARY]
11 September 2024 [08:30] - Today.Az
Azerbaijan is internationally acknowledged for its substantial oil and gas reserves. Despite its dependence on these traditional energy sources, the country is dedicated to fostering a sustainable energy future and advancing a "green economy." Azerbaijan is actively confronting emerging global challenges and, consequently, will host one of the United Nations' premier events this November—the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29). This landmark event signifies a significant milestone for Azerbaijan, marking the largest international conference the country has ever organized. Extensive preparations are clearly underway to ensure the successful execution of this prestigious gathering. The Irish political analyst, Patrick Walsh, commenting on the issue for Azernews, stated that Azerbaijan has organized the COP29 conference and its associated events in a timely and efficient manner. According to him, the West already perceives that COP29 will be successfully executed. 
"Azerbaijan appears to be organizing the conference and associated events in a timely and efficient manner. The event is well-publicized and gives the impression in the West that it is in capable hands, which will do it justice. Organizing such a major event is a significant undertaking, and only a select few states would have the capability to accomplish it." It is worth noting that Azerbaijan has been pursuing a transition to "green energy" for some time. Following the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the country aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030 and by 40% by 2050. The development of renewable energy sources has become a central component of Azerbaijan's clean energy strategy. Azerbaijan has successfully collaborated with various countries on climate initiatives and the transition to green energy. Joint projects are underway with Turkiye, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, China, Central Asia, and several European countries. For example, cooperation with Turkiye continues through the development of the "Azerbaijan-Turkiye-Europe" green energy corridor, which involves exporting renewable energy from Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan region to Turkiye and eventually to Europe. Additionally, Azerbaijan is establishing itself as both a producer and exporter of green energy to Europe. In line with the "Agreement on Strategic Partnership in the Field of Development and Transmission of Green Energy" signed in Bucharest on December 17, 2022, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary, and Romania have formed a partnership. This project, known as the "Caspian-Black Sea-Europe Green Energy Corridor" or "Black Sea Cable," aims to transport green energy generated from Azerbaijan's wind power plants to Romania and Europe. The scale of Azerbaijan's green energy partnerships has expanded rapidly since 2020. Initial pilot projects with Saudi Arabia's ACWA Power and the UAE's Masdar, which included 240 MW of wind and 230 MW of solar energy, have grown significantly. Regarding the global reaction to COP29 being held in Azerbaijan, the expert noted that while some factions may oppose Azerbaijan's role, the broader international community tends to adopt a more pragmatic view. "Certain sections of the environmental lobby do oppose a fossil fuel producer hosting the conference, similar to the objections raised during COP28 in the UAE. However, the broader global perspective tends to be more pragmatic. It recognizes that while oil and gas production is crucial for maintaining our current standard of living, the goal should be to reduce dependency on these resources rather than condemn those who supply them. These resources are essential for industry, agriculture, transportation, prosperity, and life expectancy. Who better to organize such an event than those who can make the most significant statement on the transition to a greener future?" In recent years, Azerbaijan has seen substantial investment in the development and restoration of its energy infrastructure. There has been a notable increase in interest in alternative energy, with significant investments from foreign companies. In response to the question about this international event's holdingpotential benefits for Azerbaijan, expert Patric Walsh noted that COP29 could serve as a platform to dispel the misleading stereotypes that persist in the West and are sometimes perpetuated by certain diasporas. "The benefits are numerous. Azerbaijan has the opportunity to present itself to the world as a modern and functional state. The influx of visitors will enhance tourism, and the conference can help dispel the unfortunate stereotypes that persist in the West, which are sometimes perpetuated by certain diasporas. Additionally, COP29 provides a platform to showcase Azerbaijan's advancements in renewable energy. This prestigious event attracts a distinct audience compared to those who attend events like Formula 1 or football tournaments in Baku." Further to his comments, Walsh underlined several key climate issues that COP29 is expected to address in Azerbaijan. In response to a question about this, the expert emphasized the importance of setting realistic goals for transitioning to a green economy. "The key issue is establishing practical targets that can be widely agreed upon and effectively implemented by states. These targets should be grounded in reality rather than ideology, allowing existing energy production to support and facilitate the transition. The aim is not to abandon current energy sources without viable alternatives but to ensure a smooth transition that sustains modern standards of living worldwide." Finally, the expert commented on the green energy projects being implemented in Azerbaijan. Patric Walsh highlighted that both current and planned projects are crucial for ensuring a diversified economy. "These projects are essential for fostering a more diverse economy in the future. It is important that revenue from current energy production is invested in diversifying Azerbaijan's economic base. While oil and gas resources offer significant benefits, they can also lead to an overreliance that hampers growth in other sectors. Developing alternative energy sources is vital, but it is equally important to cultivate a diverse and resilient economy. This approach will create opportunities across various industries and services, contributing to an overall improvement in living standards." Global climate issues, which are the focus of COP29, have far-reaching implications for both the economy and other critical areas of life. Central to addressing these challenges is climate finance. Azerbaijani officials have repeatedly emphasized that this year’s COP will place a strong emphasis on climate finance. Key topics of discussion at COP29 will include increasing climate finance, providing financial support to developing countries, and improving resource efficiency. Achieving consensus on these issues could yield significant global solutions. Climate change is a pressing global concern that necessitates international cooperation. In this context, COP29 offers a unique opportunity for the world to come together in Azerbaijan this November to tackle this critical issue.