Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » World's smallest foal 'gallops' Into the Record Books
27 April 2010 [14:25] - Today.Az
A tiny stallion just 14 inches high is thought to be a record breaker as the world's smallest foal.

Einstein, a pinto stallion, weighed in at just 6lb when he was born on Friday in the US.

Breeder Judy Smith, of Tiz A Miniature Horse Farm, in Barnstead, New Hampshire, said she thought he was dead.

"I have been at this for 20 years plus but I have never seen one this tiny or even close to it.

"At first he didn't move very much. We started rubbing him with a towel and he started to move around. He was so small!"

Breeders say that unlike the current record holder, 9lb Thumbelina, Einstein shows no signs of dwarfism.

Co-owner Charlie Cantrell said: "From the head to the legs - the length, width, height - everything is just beautiful about this little horse."

Fellow owner Dr Rachel Wagner said: "Most of the ones that are really tiny are what we call dwarves and they have some sort of dysmorphic features, or features that aren't really normal or healthy.

"This little guy is like all horses - he's almost all leg."

/Sky News/

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