Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » The 4-legged woman, Josephine Myrtle Corbin - PHOTO
20 March 2010 [15:30] - Today.Az
This woman Josephine Myrtle corbin has 4 leg. and she was known as the four legged woman. Josephene Myrtle Corbin, the Four-Legged Woman, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee in 1868.
Rather than having a parasitic twin, Myrtle’s extra legs resulted from an even rarer form of conjoined twinning known as dipygus, which gave her two complete bodies from the waist down. She had two small pelves side-by-side, and each of her smaller innerlegs was paired with one of her outer legs. She could move the smaller legs but was unable to use them for walking.
At the age of 19, she married a doctor named Clinton Bicknell and had four daughters and a son. It has been said that three of her children were born from one set of organs, two from the other.Myrtle died on May 6, 1928
The tiny body of her twin was only fully developed from the waist down and even then it was malformed – tiny and possessing only three toes on each foot.Myrtle was able to control the limbs of her sister but was unable to use them for walking and she herself had a difficult time getting around as she was born with a clubbed foot. Technically, the ‘Four-Legged Woman’ only had one good, usable leg.
It seems that her twin sister was also fully sexually formed – thus Myrtle possessed two vaginas. She had four daughters and a son and it has been rumored that three of her children were born from one set of organs and two from the other. Whether this is true or not; it is medically possible.
/World Must be Crazy/
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