Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Theater of Young Spectators premieres new play
04 June 2024 [16:05] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan State Theater of Young Spectators has premiered the play "Chernushka", Azernews reports.

The play has been staged based on the work of classics of Azerbaijani literature Suleyman Sani Akhundov and Abdulla Shaig.

The theater production tells the story of a kind little girl named Tutu. The baby was left an orphan, and the gipsies took her with them. Later, Huseyngulu-Agha shelters the girl at home, where everyone begins to call her Chernushka.

There, the little girl meets a girl named Agja, the daughter of Huseyngulu-Agha. Despite the fact that the conditions in which these girls lived were completely different, this did not become an obstacle to their friendship. However, Agja's mother, Perijakhan Khanum, disliked Chernushka and separated from her friends. But one day, when Agja is in trouble, Chernushka does not hesitate to sacrifice her life to save her from death.

The production director of the play is People's Artist of Azerbaijan Jannat Salimova, film director-Honored Artist Nofel Valiyev, artist director-Nisa Hatamova, sound engineer-Irada Muradova.

Honored Artists Gamar Mammadova, Elnur Huseynov, Mehriban Abdullayeva, Gular Nabiyeva, actors Rashad Safarov, Ramig Nasirov, Khalida Alimammadova, Zemfira Abdulsamadova, Irada Rashidova, Adalat Abdulsamad, Elgun Yakhyayev, Asya Atakishiyeva, Nazrin Zeynalova, Anar Seyfullayev, and Ramil Mammadov Konul Abilova, Simuzar Agakishieva, Zumrud Guliyeva, Aigun Fatullayeva, Hilal Damirov, Matlab Abushov, Nurana Huseynova, Gulbaniz Latifova, Yusif Dadashov, and Khalig Bakirov were involved in the play, which aroused great interest among audience.

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, and Milli.Az.

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