Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Photo exhibition dedicated to Garabagh opens in Tashkent
21 February 2024 [13:58] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

The Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Uzbekistan has presented a photo exhibition, "The Sun Rising Again in Garabagh".

Director of the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre, Samir Abbasov, addressed the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Azernews reports.

In his speech, Samir Abbasov said that thanks to the successful policy of President Ilham Aliyev and the bravery of the Azerbaijani Army, the Azerbaijani territories were liberated from almost thirty years of Armenian occupation.

The diplomat stated that every year, with the organisation of the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Tashkent, Uzbek journalists and cameramen organise media tours to Azerbaijan and districts freed from occupation.

"During the past years, the journalists of the brotherly country who have been on a media tour in Azerbaijan have written dozens of articles for television and radio programs, newspapers, and websites about our country. Uzbekistan's well-known photographer Husniddin Atoyev also took part in the media tour and took rare photographs of Azerbaijan's territories liberated from occupation, said Samir Abbasov.

The Azerbaijani Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Huseyn Guliyev, spoke about the historical friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, noting that the cooperation has been developing along a rising line in recent years.

He also spoke about Armenia's historical policy of aggression against the Azerbaijani people and gave information about the massacres carried out by Armenians in Central Asia as well as the Caucasus.

The author of the photos displayed in the exhibition, the well-known Uzbek photojournalist Husniddin Atoyev, said that he was amazed when he visited Azerbaijan's liberated territories.

"I visited Aghdam, Fuzuli, and Shusha, and I saw the destruction of cities and villages created by the Azerbaijani people over thousands of years in these areas. The photos on display are part of the pictures taken. In the future, together with the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre, I plan to hold new exhibitions based on photographs taken on the subject of Azerbaijan, including Garabagh," he added.

In the end, the participants visited the Garabagh corner created in the Turan library.

The corner was presented with an encyclopaedic book "Shusha - the Cultural Capital of the Turkic world" in five languages and a postage stamp made in Uzbekistan.

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