Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Baku to host Cultural Heritage Forum
27 November 2023 [14:09] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

The Cultural Heritage Forum will take place in Baku on December 18-20.

Co-organized by Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Culture Ministry, the forum will take place as part of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Azernews reports.

The forum will bring together acclaimed historians, archaeologists, artists, architects, sculptors and other specialists in this field to discuss the issues of preservation, development and popularization of Azerbaijani culture and national heritage.

There will also be a discussion of issues of state support and other areas of tangible and intangible heritage, fine and applied arts, historical memorabilia.

During the forum, panel sessions will be held on the following topics: Immovable history of Azerbaijan - problems of research and protection of cultural heritage, History of Azerbaijan in the post-conflict period - issues of protection of cultural and natural heritage, Movable cultural heritage in Azerbaijan: museum work and modern challenges, Protection of intangible cultural heritage and modern challenges, Fine arts and modern challenges, Cultural heritage and modern architecture - principles of urbanization.

The panel sessions will feature an exchange of views on the current situation and future prospects of the respective areas.

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