Today.Az » Business » US Embassy to Azerbaijan said to be the most persistent tax defaulter
15 December 2007 [14:05] - Today.Az
Several embassies, accredited in our country, evade taxes of their officials, who are the citizens of Azerbaijan, thus violating the country's legislation.

The statement was made by the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, Khazar Ibragim, during a traditional briefing.

He said the countries which demand from zerbaijan to comply with the supremacy of law, do not comply with the legislation and evade taxes.

"We have faced the problem long before. Yet, despite the progress in this issue, several embassies to Azerbaijan continue to refuse paying taxes for their officials, who are the citizens of Azerbaijan. Under the law of Azerbaijan, each embassy, accredited in our country, must pay taxes for its officials, who are the citizens of Azerbaijan", he said.

At the same time, the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry refused to name the embassies, which evade taxes.

Meanwhile, according to some diplomatic sources, the taxes are mostly evaded by three embassies and a representation of an international organization in Azerbaijan.

By the said information, the US Embassy to Azerbaijan is the most persistent tax defaulter.

The press service of the US Embassy reported that the Embassy will comment on the issue.


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