Today.Az » Business » Ganja's 1st explosives plant by "AzerBlast" commences full operations
29 July 2024 [16:17] - Today.Az

Nazrin Abdul

The first industrial explosives production facility in Ganja, operated by "AzerBlast" LLC—a subsidiary of "AzerGold" JSC—has officially commenced full-scale operations, Azernews reports citing the Ministry of Economy.

Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov, the Head of the State Service for Real Estate Affairs under the Ministry of Economy, Matin Eynullayev (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of "AzerGold" CJSC), Niyazi Bayramov (Head of Ganja City Executive Authority), Zakir Ibrahimov (Chairman of the Board of Directors of "AzerGold" CJSC), Professor Juan Jimenez from the Harvard Kennedy School, and researchers from the Harvard Center for International Development Laboratory have all visited the facility to review its operations.

"AzerBlast" LLC was established through a public-private partnership to address the increasing domestic demand for civil explosives and reduce reliance on imports. The company is a joint venture, with "AzerGold" JSC holding 51% of the shares and "DM Servis" LLC, a private firm with expertise in this field, holding 49%.

The plant, which spans 15 hectares and commenced construction in January 2023, has a capital investment of 11 million manats and a total investment cost of 15 million manats. The funding for this project came entirely from the founders of "AzerBlast" LLC, avoiding any additional burden on the state budget. The strategic location in Ganja positions the facility near the country's main mining industrial center and on an international transport corridor.

Initially, the plant will employ 35 people, with plans to expand to 65 employees. At full capacity, it will produce 14,000 tons of ANFO and H-ANFO explosives annually, meeting local demand and exploring export opportunities. With the anticipated growth in mining and construction projects, particularly in Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur, the plant aims to increase its annual production to 31,500 tons.

The plant's production line features technology designed by the Turkish company "HTD Kimya ve Mühendislik A.?." and equipment sourced from Germany, Great Britain, and Turkiye. It adheres to both local and international safety standards and environmental regulations, ensuring high-quality and compliant operations.

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