Today.Az » Business » Benefits of Caspian-Black Sea International Transport Route involving four countries [ANALYSIS]
22 July 2024 [13:03] - Today.Az

By Azernews

Ulviyya Shahin

In a significant development for regional connectivity and economic integration, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, and Romania are set to formalise the creation of the "Caspian-Black Sea" international transport route through a quadrilateral intergovernmental agreement to be signed in Bucharest later this year. This initiative aims to streamline and enhance the movement of goods between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, ultimately connecting these regions more closely with European markets.

Azernews decided to analyse the issue in order to clarify the importance of these countries in a quadruple manner.

Benefits for Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan stands to gain substantially from the establishment of the "Caspian-Black Sea" route. By utilising this corridor, Azerbaijan can diversify its transport options and reduce its reliance on existing routes. This diversification not only mitigates risks associated with geopolitical tensions but also strengthens Azerbaijan's role as a pivotal hub in Eurasian trade networks. Improved connectivity with Georgia and Romania will bolster Azerbaijan's economic growth by facilitating smoother trade flows and attracting investments in infrastructure development along the route.

Benefits for Turkmenistan

For Turkmenistan, the new transport route represents a crucial opportunity to expand its export capabilities, particularly for its energy resources. Access to the Black Sea via Georgia and Romania opens up alternative trade routes that complement Turkmenistan's existing transport links. This diversification enhances Turkmenistan's economic resilience and provides a more efficient pathway for its exports to reach European markets. Additionally, improved connectivity will stimulate infrastructure investments in Turkmenistan, fostering economic development and job creation.

Benefits for Georgia

Georgia plays a pivotal role as a transit country in the "Caspian-Black Sea" route, linking Central Asia and the Caucasus with Europe. By enhancing its infrastructure and logistical capabilities along the route, Georgia can strengthen its position as a regional transport and trade hub. Increased transit traffic will boost Georgia's economy through transit fees, services related to transportation, and potentially attracting manufacturing and logistics investments. Moreover, Georgia's strategic location will further integrate it into global trade networks, enhancing its geopolitical significance.

Benefits for Romania

For Romania, the agreement presents opportunities to expand its role in facilitating Eurasian trade. The Black Sea port infrastructure in Romania can serve as a gateway for goods travelling to and from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and other Caspian Sea countries. This influx of trade will stimulate economic growth in Romania's maritime sector, logistics industry, and related service sectors. Furthermore, the enhanced connectivity aligns with Romania's broader economic strategy of becoming a key player in European logistics and transport infrastructure.

The establishment of the "Caspian-Black Sea" international transport route marks a significant milestone in regional cooperation and economic integration among Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, and Romania. This initiative not only improves connectivity between the Caspian and Black Seas but also strengthens these countries' positions in the global trade network. By leveraging their geographical advantages and enhancing infrastructure investments, the participating nations are poised to unlock new economic opportunities, stimulate growth, and foster greater regional stability.

This collaborative effort underscores the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships to enhance connectivity and foster economic prosperity across Eurasia. As the agreement moves towards implementation, it is expected to catalyse further developments in trade, infrastructure, and regional cooperation, setting a precedent for future integration efforts in the broader Caspian-Black Sea region.

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