Today.Az » Business » Cargo, passenger transportation increases in Azerbaijan
22 April 2024 [10:37] - Today.Az

Ulviyya Shahin

During January-March 2024, freight and passenger traffic increased by 4.7 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively, compared to the same period of the previous year, Azernews reports, citing the State Statistics Committee has released information about this.

Thus, 54.6 million tons of cargo were transported by economic entities operating in the transport sector. 3.5 percent of cargo was transported by sea, 8.2 percent by rail, 0.2 percent by air, 55.7 percent by road, and 32.4 percent by pipeline. The volume of cargo transported by means of vehicles belonging to the non-state sector increased by 5.3 percent, and the specific weight of this sector in the total volume of transported cargo was 76.4 percent.

In January-March 2024, transporters served 452.9 million passengers. 87.6 percent of passengers were transported by car, 11.8 percent by subway, and the rest by other modes of transportation.

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