Today.Az » Business » Additional gas via TAP will go to 2 countries
22 April 2023 [11:40] - Today.Az

By Azernews

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is set to add 1.2 billion cubic meters of gas to its capacity after 2026, of which 1 billion will go to Italy and 200 million will be transported to Albania, Azernews reports via Italian media.

Reportedly, the first tranche of the added capacity will be delivered from 2026 to December 2028, while the second tranche will be transported from October 2026 to September 2033. The first infrastructure upgrade will therefore be carried out by the end of 2025.

"And, of those first 1.2 billion, one billion will be directed to Italy and the remaining 200 million to Albania," said Italian media.

TAP's capacity could rise to over 20 billion cubic meters a year, without laying new pipes, only by increasing the gas compression power in Greece and Albania, and minimal interventions in Italy.

As the European section of the Southern Gas Corridor, TAP has the capacity to transport approximately 10 billion cubic meters of gas per annum (bcm/a) to several markets in Europe. The pipeline is also designed with the potential to expand its throughput capacity up to 20 bcm/a.

As a key part of the Southern Gas Corridor, TAP is strategically and economically important to Europe and essential in providing reliable access to a new source of natural gas. TAP plays a significant role in boosting Europe’s energy security, supply diversification, as well as decarbonisation objectives.

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