Today.Az » Business » One more company to start production of paper products
07 March 2023 [17:33] - Today.Az

By Azernews 

Qabil Ashirov

In Nakhchivan, Lazzat Qida Sanaye Limited Liability Company created a napkin production area.

According to Azernews, the new production area of the company was built at the expense of a concessional loan granted by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund and the funds of Lazzat Qida Sanaye LLC. The construction work has already been completed at the enterprise, and the test production and adjustment of equipment are currently being carried out.

High-quality paper products - napkins, kitchen towels, toilet paper, boxes of napkins and other types will be produced in the production area. The production capacity of the enterprise allows to produce 8 tons of finished products per day. The products that will be produced using the equipment belonging to the leading Turkish companies in this field will be presented to the consumer in accordance with the market conditions and competitive environment.

As a result of the full operation of the enterprise, it is planned to open a new workplace for 20 people.

In the second stage, it is planned to sell the products in the domestic market and in other regions of Azerbaijan, and in the next stage, it is planned to organize the export.

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