Today.Az » Business » BIE Sec Gen: EXPO 2025 to have long-lasting impact on host country, its citizens
29 March 2018 [11:39] - Today.Az
By Trend
Trend’s exclusive interview with Vicente G. Loscertales, Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) Question: What are your expectations for the impact that Expo 2025 can have on host cities, not just economically, but in terms of legacy as well? Answer: Whether it takes place in Osaka, Ekaterinburg or Baku, Expo 2025 will have a long-lasting impact on the host city, the host country and its citizens and visitors. For the host city, Expo 2025 will be a catalyst for urban transformation, involving significant infrastructure development and the creation or revitalization of urban areas, bringing long term benefits for all citizens. Through construction, planning, tourism and the development of new industries, Expos lead to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs and spur regional development before, during and after the event. For the host city and country, it is a unique opportunity to gather different actors from across the world together in the spirit of cooperation and education, while embracing innovation and progress. It enables the host to let the world know that it is a hub for research and that it is leading the way in uncovering and accumulating knowledge, creativity and innovations. For all involved, organizing the Expo is a long and intense journey into the Expo theme. Typically, the theme reflects an issue of key importance to the host country. In organizing the Expo, local and national actors build networks and expertise in the domain of the theme, gaining international recognition and strengthening their position as a global leader. By gathering countries, companies, associations, civil society and the general public, Expos also act as a bridge between the international community and citizens. Governments have no equivalent communication channel to establish dialogue between each other and with civil society on key global issues. For citizens and visitors, Expo 2025 is not only a gathering of nations but also an opportunity to host much needed dialogue where the importance of the voices is proportional to the size of the need. In this way, the Expo constitutes a unique tool in public diplomacy, helping us understand government actions, facilitating the meeting of cultures, and disseminating innovations that are useful to humankind. Q.: What are the biggest challenges that host cities typically encounter in preparation for the Expo? A.: Among the many challenges in organizing a successful Expo, the selection and development of its theme are of key importance. By tackling a timely and engaging theme, and building on it in innovative ways, an Expo demonstrates its transformative power. As stated by the first article of the 1928 Convention that established the BIE, the purpose of an Expo is the education of the public by exhibiting the means and achievements for meeting the needs of civilization, for demonstrating progress and for showing prospects for the future. A key challenge is therefore to develop a theme that directly addresses a universal challenge facing humanity, while lending itself to the goal of educating all visitors through immersive experiences, dialogue and thought-provoking displays. To develop a successful project, it is also important to develop a plan that foresees the enduring legacy of the Expo site, by planning the sustainable integration of the Expo site into the city. A successful Expo is one that forms part of a long-term strategy to facilitate urban change and development, and serves as a catalyst for change. Q.: What are the most significant features that the host city should have to attract more participants? A.: Securing a high degree of international participation is a key objective for a host country once elected as Expo Organizer. The host country invites international participants of its choosing, and countries decide on whether to participle in an Expo based on their own objectives and priorities. The theme is one of the criteria for participants, as it constitutes the core of the Expo and represents the global challenge around which it is organised. The development of the theme and its relevance to a large number of countries from across the world is therefore essential in creating a successful World Expo. Bilateral relationships between the host country and other countries, including political, economic and cultural ties, are also important in determining participation. Host countries should see the Expo as an opportunity to improve their international ties by creating new relationships, and by strengthening existing ones. Finally, the cost of participation is a factor that governments take into account when making the decision whether to take part in an Expo or not. Along with other considerations, it is important for the host country to cooperate closely with international participants to create an inclusive Expo. Q.: What particular prospects does this project open for host city as a tourism destination? A.: Hosting a World Expo is a major springboard for tourism, whether the city is already well-known or an up-and-coming destination. As global mega-events lasting up to six months, Expos draw tens of millions of visitors, boosting local businesses and creating momentum for continued tourism flows. The Expo’s impact on tourism extends beyond its opening period; the attractiveness it generates, the impact it has on the city’s image, and the use and activity of facilities built for the event - all boost the tourism sector in the long term. The infrastructure investments associated with an Expo contribute massively to the city’s development and these improvements create a lasting legacy for citizens and for the local tourism industry. Furthermore, Expos play a significant role in city branding, defining the host city as an international destination and improving its image for both leisure and business travel.