Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan's central gas pipe blasts
11 January 2013 [10:28] - Today.Az

An explosion took place on the Gazimamed-Gazakh gas-main pipeline's section in Goychay region, regional TV Channel Kanal S reported.

The explosion took place in the territory of Karrabakal village at 07:20 on Friday.

According to initial report, the cause of the explosion was a gas leak.

The explosion was followed by the fire. Agdash gas-main pipelines field staff and three fire brigades arrive at the scene.

Special vehicles cannot get to the scene due to the fact that the scene is on highland territory and roads are snow-covered.

Height of flame is approximately 100 meters and can be seen from afar.

Fire has not been extinguished yet. It will be possible to start repair work after the rest gas in the pipeline burns.

"Azerigaz" Production Unit of SOCAR is engaged in transportation and distribution of gas in Azerbaijan.

Goychay city is located in the center of Azerbaijan in 255 kilometers from Baku.


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